Production Blog: The long haul

 On the second day of filming, we filmed the rest of the needed scenes that we needed for the final project. For these final scenes, it was straightforward as all we know is that the only way to get these shots was to clash our ideas to make them. To achieve this we had to get creative if we didn't then it wouldn't come out like we would like to. So the part I had to play was once again of the main character and I didn't mind being the lead character again. I truly became invested in the behind-the-scenes filming and the art that comes with that. As for me and the crew it took forever to get a proper shot and not have it shake. We decided it to become an aspect of the film in certain parts of the project to make it semi-shakey to get a certain tone and when we were filming the restaurant scene we decided to make the camera in a prone position by holding it with something besides us holding it. But we are finally over the recording phase and are now going to begin the editing phase. The editing phase is going to take us the longest since we are going to have lots of cuts. With the cuts included I want to show how rapidly changes and inconsistent and how far gone the main character is at this point in his life. We want to explain a story with editing and camera work. For the process, we are going each do something. By this I mean we are taking turns editing the project. By this, we are trying to get all our ideas out to see if it works or not. There's going to be a lot of trial and error.


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