Peer Review Blog

 So for the peer review, I decided to have my sister do it. At first, she didn't want to. Bot after some bribery for some food she gave in. At first, she liked the overall look of my video. But she didn't love the editing.  For some reason, my first version wasn't the best. It didn't have the audio synced correctly. She had some thoughts about the music and the production quality. She thought the music sucks. Which it does. Cause it's the only non-copyrighted music. She didn't like the transitions either. She thought it was cut weird. But when I showed her the final production, she loved it. By using her ideas we re-made it. With thoughts in mind. She really loved the final edit of it. How we made the intensity high. And how we fixed the transactions. They ended up coming smoothly. She really liked how it turned out.


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